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Sports Centre

Swim School


How many children will be in each class? 

We offer small classes to provide a greater individual attention and continued development for your child.


Pupil Number

Ducklings (Under 6)

6 max

Beginners (7+)

6 max

Stages 1 - 2

6 max

Stages 3 - 7

8 max

Stages 8 - 10

Squad Sessions 

How long does each swim lesson last? 

Each swim lesson lasts for 30 minutes. Stages 8, 9 and 10 lessons run for an hour.

How much are the swimming lessons? 

Swim Lessons for Ducklings and Stages 1-7 cost £8.50 per lesson or £102 for a 12-week block. Stages 8 - 10 cost £10.50 per lesson or £126 for a 12-week block.
*As of 1st April 2025 swim lessons for Ducklings and stages 1-7 will cost £9.50 per lesson. Stages 8 - 10 will cost £11.50 per lesson. 

What is included in the cost of the lessons? 

All children will receive a FREE swim hat. The colour of the hat will indicate which class stage your child will participate in. Additionally, all badges and certificates awarded during stages are FREE.

How often will the swim lessons run? 

Swim lessons can run up to 50 weeks per year.  You can join Warwick Swim School at any time.

What time are the classes? 

Friday Swim lessons start at 6.00pm and finish at 7.00pm. 
Saturday Swim lessons start at 8.00am and finish at 2.30pm.
Sunday Swim lessons start at 8.30am and finish at 1.30pm. 

When will my child move into the next group? 

Children are continually assessed.  When a teacher thinks your child is ready, they will ask for them to be assessed and may then move up a stage when the next space becomes available.  Feedback will then be provided after the assessment should further improvements be needed.

How long will it take for my child to pass each Stage? 

This will vary with every child. If a child has the experience of pre-school or adult and child sessions then he / she may move faster initially through the lower stages, as they will be familiar with the environment and possibly more confident in the water. We actively encourage parents to swim with the child out of our lessons to build water confidence, not just progress through the stages.

Why might children be having FUN instead of swimming widths or lengths? 

To learn how to swim, children need to master skills that will help them float, breathe and move around in the water.
Through games, children have FUN and learn important skills. If children are having FUN they enjoy what they are doing and often learn faster.
The NPTS has a multi skills approach so all the skills that are learnt lead to development of a competent and confident swimmer, who is safe and happy in the water.

How do I know what stage my child is? 

You can find a list of the outcomes for each stage on the Swim School Stages link.

How do I register my child? 

To register your child please follow our Swim School Enquiry link and complete the form.  We will then contact you once a space becomes available.